Composer & Lyricist

The Kingfisher Chronicles
Tastier than a Jubjub Bean in the jaws of a Rutien Brush Badger, The Kingfisher Chronicles tells the story of three space adventurers as they traverse the infinite galaxy. Inspired by outlandish 80's sci-fi, this hilarious new jargon-brimmed podcast is more powerful than a jackhammer in the hands of a Chumblewarner.
See you on Alkanost Prime!
Created by Matt Boughey | Written by Jack Miles & Matt Boughey | Produced & Read by Jack Miles
Episode One: The Kingfisher Eponymous
CRASH LANDING! After their escape pod smashes through the barn of a Trodlybyte farmer, Mr. Nine, Ajax, and Raphael search for a way off the icy planet of Rynek.
Episode Two: The Extremity Impalement
LURKING! In orbit around the heavily guarded Alkanost Prime, Ajax and the crew of the Kingfisher lie in wait for a pirate vessel to ambush.
Episode Three: The Bovraal Deception
INTEROGATION! With the invading pirate captain Sigurd Cheesedreamer captured, Raphael plots the best way to extract the whereabouts of the Esmerelda from him.
Episode Four: The Alkan Eruption
FREEDOM! Having succesfully escaped the questioning chamber of the Kingfisher, Sigurd Cheesedreamer attempts to return to the pirate city on the Alkan Meteorite.
Episode Five: The Nemesis Acquisition
SWINDLE! The crew of the Kingfisher prepare to fleece some better tech from some unwitting Chumblewarner traders.
Episode Six: The Interminable Pursuit
CHILL OUT! While relaxing en route to the pleasure planet Tak Mok Toe, the crew are caught unaware by a mysterious presence aboard the Kingfisher.
Episode Seven: The Zealous Postulants
PERSCUTION! Knocked unconscious in a mid-space collision, Mr. Nine is woken by the SpaceCops of Malasscuss in the middle of his own trial.
Episode Eight: The Automaton Katzenjammer
INFILTRATION! Rumours of Quantox Co.'s illegal activities have reached the SpaceCops, so the crew target a warehouse on Eomarga suspected of housing outlawed tech.
Episode Nine: The Gromgron Betrayal
FLASHBACK! The story of Gromgron the shepharding robot, and his struggle against the evil of Quantox Co. and the Garisani Pirates of the Alkan System.
Episode Ten: The Quantox Principle
ATTACK! Prepped and ready, the Kingfisher finally storms the vault on Alkanost Prime in search of the weapon feared lost in the wreckage of the Esmerelda.